
A selection of hardware and software projects I’ve worked on.

3D Printed Titanium Rocket Motor Closure

3D Printed Titanium Rocket Motor Closure

I designed a 3D printed Ti-6Al-4V rocket motor closure in collaboration with Renishaw PLC. I successfully used the closure in a static fire for a small solid rocket motor.

Multi-Process Manufacturing System Simulator

Multi-Process Manufacturing System Simulator

A simulator for multi-process manufacturing systems with production of discrete parts implemented in python. It simulates arrivals of raw materials, labor processes, part throughput, buffers, queues, and worker utilization.

Level 3 Rocketry Certification

Level 3 Rocketry Certification

I designed, built, and flew a high-power rocket as part of the National Association of Rocketry Level 3 certification program.

Popsicle 3D Printer

Popsicle 3D Printer

A 3D printer for frozen popsicles. My friends and I built this by adapting a bed-XY printer with a custom chilled build platform and a slush extruder mechanism.

Structure and Properties of Titanium and its Alloys

A literature review and analysis of titanium alloys that I conducted. I discuss the effects of microstructural properties on bulk material properties, and analyze material properties and mass-minimizing material indices for Ti-6Al-4V alloy and its alloying elements.

3D Printed Widgets

3D Printed Widgets

Take a tour of some of the various 3D printed widgets I’ve designed and made on my printer.